Cofarco SAS is registered as an insurance brokerage firm in France with ORIAS under firm number 09 050 432. As such, the firm is regulated by the Autorité de Controle Prudentiel et de Regulation (ACPR, and conducts business throughout the European Union under Directive 2009/138/EC as notified to DFSA – Finanstilsynet (Denmark), DIHK – Deutscher Industrie und Hendelskammertag e.v. (Germany), Commissariat aux Assurances (Luxembourg), AFM – Autoriteit Financiele Merkten (Netherlands), Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Poland), DGSFP – Direccion General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (Spain) and FCA – Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom).
Cofarco SAS is registered with FINMA in Switzerland under firm number 3304 and is an member of Lloyd’s of London under firm pseudonym/number COF/1718.
In compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can refer to the following link to check your privacy rights and how we process your personal data.
Prevent, manage, and deal with any situation where conflicts of interest may arise;
Ensure compliance with regulatory and legal requirements relating to the prevention of money laundering;
Ensure that, except with the express prior consent of our clients, we do not disclose or use for our own benefit or the benefit of another party, outside the scope of our engagement, any information relating to our clients.